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Software and Platforms
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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Yann Ponty [correspondant] , Alain Denise.

Varna is a tool for the automated drawing, visualization and annotation of the secondary structure of RNA, designed as a companion software for web servers and databases. Varna implements four drawing algorithms, supports input/output using the classic formats dbn, ct, bpseq and RNAML and exports the drawing, either as a bitmap (JPEG, PNG) or as a vector picture (SVG, EPS and XFIG). It also allows manual modification and structural annotation of the resulting drawings using either an interactive point and click approach, within a web server or through command-line arguments. Varna is a free software distributed under the terms of the GPLv3.0 license and available at .

Varna is currently used by RNA scientists (Cited by 92 research articles since its presentation in Fall of 2009, according to Google scholar), web servers such as the BouldeAle ( ), TFold ( ), CyloFold ( ) webservers, and by databases such as IRESite ( ), sRNATarBase ( )and Rfam ( ), the main source of sequence/structure data for RNA scientist, to display secondary structures. It is also used as an integrated component within JalView , arguably one of the leading sequence alignment editor ( ), and Y. Ponty co-supervised with Jim Procter (University of Dundee, Jalview Project Leader) two internships (including a Google Summer of Code) in the summer of 2012 to further the interactions between the two software.